About 的 大学参议院
The College has operated with a college-wide, shared-governance body since 的 early 1970s to promote an effective, 平衡, and transparent system of shared authority among 的 various constituencies of 的 College. The governance structure has been revised several times since 的n to improve its efficacy and to expand its membership, culminating in 的 current body, 的 大学参议院, approved by 的 校董会 in 2004.
The purpose of 的 Senate is to facilitate 的 College’s educational mission and support student life by providing a vehicle for representative participation by all College constituencies. It is also a vehicle for an orderly system of formulating and communicating recommendations in 的 areas of 学术s and student life. The 大学参议院 has seven standing committees as depicted in Figure 1 below.
The Senate membership includes elected representatives from 的 six College constituencies:
The constituency representatives are responsible for serving 的 interests of 的ir members, informing members of 参议院和 Standing Committee actions, and sharing relevant issues with 的 Standing Committees, 副总统, and/or 的 President’s Council for consideration.